
2 (32oz) cartons Non-Fat plain

Yogurt 1/2 c Honey

2 ts Vanilla

4 tb Arrowroot

5 Egg whites

Day before drain yogurt to make Yogurt Cheese. ( I used cheesecloth pulled tightly over a large bowl and secured the cheesecloth with a big rubberband just under the rim and then dumped the yogurt on top of the cheesecloth and let the liquid drain into the bowl, voila, yogurt cheese!!) Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Prepare Basic Graham Cracker Crust below in a springform pan and chill while preparing the cheesecake. With a rotary beater or hand mixer, beat yogurt cheese, honey, vanilla, arrowroot and egg whites until thoroughly blended. Pour filling into chilled graham cracker crust. Bake at 300 degrees for 60-75 minutes, until center is set and surface is lightly browned. Remove from oven, cool to room temperature, refrigerate several hours until thoroughly chilled. Posted by “Shanks, Mira L.” <MLM6@NCH08A.EM.CDC.GOV>to the Fatfree Dig. Vol. 12 Issue 9 Nov. 10, 1994. FATFREE Recipe collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1994. Used with permission. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using MMCONV.

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