
10 1/2 oz Pkg more-nu tofu silken; sof

1 c Walnuts; chopped

1/4 c Sunflower seeds

1/4 c Scallions; chopped

2 tb Soy sauce

2 tb Nutritional yeast

1/2 ts Basil

2 c Herb seasoned stuffing; (pep

In a food processor or blender, puree tofu then add rest of ingredients except stuffing. Put stuffing into a bowl and pour tofu mixture over it. M well. Form into 8 burger patties and bake on a greased cookie sheet in a 350F ove for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. (Note: These can be grilled also!) Serve on a burger bun with your favorite condiments. NOTE: These can also be formed into 24 meat balls and served with spaghetti sauce over pasta. From: garhow@hpubmaa.esr.HP.COM (Garry Howard). rfvc Digest V94 Issue #181, Aug. 26, 1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com

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