
1/2 pound fettuccine — dried 8 ounces Sonoma marinated dried tomatoes — (1 jar) 1 1/2 cups whipping cream 1 cup Parmesan cheese — (3 ounces) grated fresh salt and pepper — to taste 3 tablespoons chives — chopped 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1. Cook pasta in large pot of boiling salted water 5 to 8 minutes until just tender; drain well. 2. Meanwhile, drain tomato marinating oil into large skillet; snip tomatoes in half and reserve. 3. Add 1/2 cup of the cream to the skillet. Cook over high heat, stirring constantly, about 3 minutes until slightly thickened. 4. Reduce heat to medium; add cooked pasta and mix gently. 5. Add 1/2 cup of the cheese, 1/2 cup of the remaining cream and the reserved tomatoes. Lift and mix pasta gently. Repeat with remaining cheese and cream; mix again. 6. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer to warmed individual pasta bowls or large platter. Sprinkle with chives and nutmeg. Serve immediately.

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