
1 7 Oz Pkg. Tiny Shells Or Cavatelli — uncooked

1/4 Cup Butter

1/2 Cup Celery — thinly sliced

1/4 Cup Onion — chopped

1 Clove Garlic — minced

1 Tbls Flour

3/4 Cup Milk

1 Cup (4 Oz) Monterrey Jack Cheese — shredded

12 Oz Shrimp

1 Can 6 1/2 Oz. Clams Minced And Undrained

1 Tbls Fresh Parsley

1 Tbls Dry Sherry

Cook pasta according to directions. Rinse under cold water and seet aside. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add celery, onion, and garlic. Saute 3 minute. Add flour, stir until smooth. Gradually add milk; cook over medium heat stirring constantly until thickened. Stir in cheese until melted. Stir in shrimp, clams, parsley and sherry. Stir in pasta.

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