
1 1/2 lb Thin spaghetti

3/4 c Butter, (plus up to 4 T more

-for pasta) 2 c Whipping cream

1/2 lb Smoked salmon, thinly sliced

-and cut into 1/2″ pieces White Pepper to taste 1 cn Golden caviar (4 oz.), about

-1 T per serving, room -temperature 1 Can Golden caviar (4 oz.), about 1 T per serving, room temperature

Cook pasta until al dente; rinse and drain. Blend up to 4 tablespoons butter to moisten. Melt 3/4 cup butter in a large skillet. Add cream and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat to medium and cook sauce until reduced, about 5 minutes. Add smoked salmon and white pepper. (The smoked salmon will probably eliminate the need for salt.) Add pasta to sauce and toss gently but thoroughly. Heat to warm if necessary. Serve immediately with a spoonful of caviar on top or on the side of each serving. Serves 6. SOURCE: *Quick Italian Cuisine International, Knapp Press C 1984 ISBN 0-89535-147-1 SHARED BY: Jim Bodle 3/93


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