
1 c Flour

1/2 c Cocoa, unsweetened,non-

; fat 2 ts Baking powder

1/2 ts Salt

1/2 c Nonfat milk

1/4 c Apple sauce

1 ts Vanilla extract

3/4 c Brown sugar

1 3/4 c Water; hot

4 c Frozen yogurt, vanilla non-

; fat Preheat oven to 350 F. Spray 8×8″ pan with cooking spray. Combine flour, baking powder, and salt with 1/4 cup of the cocoa. Blend in apple sauce, vanilla and milk. Spoon batter into pan. Combine brown sugar, 1/4 cup cocoa and hot water. Stir to blend. Pour over batter in pan. Bake for 40 minutes. Remove cake and cool in pan. Serve with a scoop of lowfat frozen yogurt and spoon chocolate suace that has formed on the bottom over the brownie as a topping. From: Mott’s AppleSauce label, MM by Linda Shogren —–

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