
3 2/3 c Flour

1/2 c Sugar

1 1/2 tb Baking powder

1 t Salt

1/2 c Butter

2 Eggs

3/4 c Whole milk

3/4 c Raisins

1/3 c Honey

Preheat the oven to 425F. Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. Mix well. Cut the butter into the flour mixture with a pastry blender until the mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Add the eggs, milk and raisings. Stir quickly with a fork until the dough leaves the sides of the bowl and forms a ball. Spoon onto an ungreased cookie sheet to form the desired number of scones. Leave at least 1″ between the scones. Bake until golden (about 12-15 minutes). Remove to a wire rack, and brush immediately with honey. Serve at once with butter, jam and whipped cream. Posted by Joel Erlich, Kooknet Recipe Network, Cyberealm BBS Watertown, NY 315-786-1120

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