
—–STUFFING—– 1/3 c Duck meat — diced

1/3 c Pheasant breast — diced

1 tb Leeks — thin-sliced

2 tb Sherry wine

2 tb Red wine

1 tb Praline paste

1 tb Sour cherries

2/3 c Demi-glaze or wine gravy

Salt and pepper to taste 1 pk Wonton skins

Semolina flour —–FRANGELICA BUTTER—– 3 tb Frangelica

2 tb Ground filberts

2/3 c Heavy cream

1 c Butter

Salt and pepper —–GARNISH—– Fried julienne of zucchini, -carrots, and squash

Saute duck and pheasant in butter; add leeks, sherry, red wine with praline paste; reduce by half. Add sour cherries and demi-glaze. Reduce, season, cool. Stuff wonton skins using egg wash to secure, and semolina flour on outside of wanton. Reduce Frangelica to two tablespoons; add filberts and cream. Reduce. Whisk in butter a tablespoon of a time. Season to taste. Garnish with fried julienne of zucchini, carrots, and squash. Servings: 6. by chef Matt Vanaria of Highlawn Pavilion in West Orange, New Jersey printed in The Record, Northern New Jersey, November 15, 1995


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