
1 1/2 pounds broccoli florets — top third of stalks,

— cut into chunks 2 tablespoons olive oil

1 onion — chopped

2 cups vegetable stock

1 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup milk or heavy cream

pinch cayenne Cheddar croutes — for garnish

In a large soup pot, heat the oil and saute the onion until softened. Add the broccoli and saute for one minute. Add the stock and salt and cook covered until broccoli is tender, about 1015 minutes. Puree in a blender until smooth, thin with heated milk.



Trim off the bottom, tough stems of the broccoli rabe, wash well. Slice stems into 1/2-inch pieces and saute with whole peeled garlic cloves in olive oil. After 5 minutes add florets, saute until slightly tender, add a pinch of Italian red pepper and serve over pasta.

Copyright, 1996, TV FOOD NETWORK, G.P., All Rights Reserved

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