
1 c Diced red onion

1 c Diced celery

1 c Diced zucchini

1 c Diced mushrooms

4 c Peeled, diced tomatos (about

8 Medium)

1 c Tomato juice

2 T Tomato paste

2 T Chopped fresh basil

1 T Chopped fresh oregano

1 t Minced garlic

Dice onion, celery, zucchini, and mushrooms into 1/2″ chunks. Saute in basalmic vinegar, about 5 minutes. Add tomatos; blend in tomato juice, tomato paste, herbs, and garlic. Simmer for 20 minutes, or until sauce is reduced by 1/3. Serve over pasta. Jim Bakker <JIMB@NETCOM.COM>Not the defrocked televangelist, but feel free to send donations anyway! Fatfree Digest [Volume 9 Issue 42] Aug. 2, 1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using MMCONV.

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