
2/3 c Mustard Seed

1/2 c Mustard, dry

1 c Water, cold

2 c Vinegar, cider

1 Onion, finely chopped

4 Garlic, clvs., minced

1/4 c Sugar, brown

2 ts Salt

1 ts Cinnamon

1/2 ts Allspice

1/2 ts Tarragon

1/4 ts Tumeric

3 ts Honey

Directions: Combine seeds and mustard with COLD water. Allow to sit overnight in the refrigerator. Combine all remaining ingredients except honey. Simmer uncovered 10-15 minutes or until liquid reduced by half. For a hotter mustard, reduce liquid by more than half. Pour this mixture through a strainer, into the mustard and seed mixture. Blenderize thoroughly. Cook in a double boiler until the consistancy of gravy. Add the honey. This will keep refrigerated several years. Many different flavors of mustard can be made by modifying this basic recipe. Substitute wine for the cold water, etc. Many other spices may be added also…..

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