
1/2 c Cornmeal, yellow, uncooked

2 tb Cornmeal, yellow, uncooked

1/2 c Flour, all-purpose

1 c Milk, evaporated, skim

1 Egg, large

1 t Extract, vanilla

2 c Strawberries, sliced, divide

1 tb Margarine, reduce-cal(tub)

1 t Margarine, reduce-cal(tub)

1. Using a fork, in medium bowl, combine cornmeal,

flour, and baking powder. In small bowl combine milk, egg and vanilla. Add milk mixture to cormeal mixture; stir until combined. Using a rubber scraper, gently fold in 1/2 cup strawberries. 2. In 9-inch nonstick skillet, melt 2 teaspoons margarine. Drop batter by 1/4-cup measures into skillet making 4 pancakes, and leaving a space between each. Cook 3 to 4 minutes until golden; turn and cook 1 minute longer. Repeat procedure with remaining

margarine and batter making 4 more pancakes. (2 pancakes per serving) 3. To serve, top each pancake with an equal amount of

remaining strawberries. Each serving provides: 1/2 milk 1/2 fat 1/4 protein 1 3/4 breads 1/2 fruit 15 optional

Per serving: 310 mg sodium 55 mg cholesterol

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