
3/4 c AM Whole Wheat Flour

1 ts Non-alum baking powder

1/2 ts Sea salt (optional)

1/4 ts Cinnamon

1 tb Honey

1 md Apple; grated

1 Egg; beaten, or egg replacer

1 ts Pure vanilla

1/2 c Sour cream

1 c Water or buttermilk

In large bowl combine dry ingredients. Combine remaining ingredients, mixing well; add to dry ingredients and stir until just blended. Cook on preheated griddle 350 F. for 3-5 minutes, turning only once. Serve hot for breakfast, brunch, or as an accompaniment to dinner. Source: Arrowhead Mills “The Natural Way to Start Your Day” tri-fold Reprinted by permission of Arrowhead Mills, Inc. Electronic format courtesy of: Karen Mintzias

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