
1/2 stick unsalted butter

1/2 c packed dark brown sugar

3/4 c crushed pineapple — drained and packed

2 lg eggs

1 1/2 c milk

1/4 tsp salt

6 slices bread — Challah, 3/4″ thick

Preheat oven to 400?. In a saucepan melt butter over moderate heat and sti r in sugar and pineapple, stirring until sugar is disolved. In a shallow bowl whisk together eggs, milk and salt. In a 9×13″ baking d

ish spread pineapple mixture evenly over bottom. Dip bread slices into milk mi xture in batches and arrange in one layer on top of pineapple mixture. Bake in middle of oven 20-25 minutes, or until bread is golden. Cool in p an 1 minute and then serve.

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