
1.00 c Wholewheat flour

1.00 c White flour

3.00 tb Wheat germ

2.00 tb Cornstarch

2.00 tb Baking soda

1.00 ts Baking soda

Salt, optional Sugar, optional Water to mix Combine all the dry ingredients. Add water, starting with 1/2 c & beating well. Add enough water till you have the consistency desired. If you prefer thicker batter, add less water, thinner batter, add more water. Fry in a very lightly oiled skillet till brown, flip & continue to cook the other side. VARIATION: Substitute the wholewheat flour with millet flour, or buckwheat & omit the wheatgerm. Recipe by Mark Satterly. Based on an idea from the Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair September, 1993. —–

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