
Servings: 1

3 ea Eggs

1 c Milk

1/2 c Sugar

1/2 ts Salt

1/2 c Fat; softened or melted

1 3/4 c Flour

1/4 c Cocoa

2 ts Baking powder

Vanilla; optional

Sift baking powder, salt and cocoa with flour. Seperate whites and yolks of eggs. Beat the yolks, add some of the milk and blend well. Add sugar to milk and eggs, stirring to dissolve sugar. Add dry ingredients all at once. Add melted fat. Last, fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake on waffle iron. Serve as a dessert with whipped cream. Source: Mrs. Vernon Crouse, North Lima Grange, Mahoning County, OH —–

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