
213 g Canned pink Alaska salmon

2 tb Fromage frais

2 tb Mayonnaise

1/2 ts Finely chopped root ginger

-(fresh) 1/2 ts Ground cumin

1/2 ts Grated lemon rind

2 Garlic cloves; crushed

Salt and white pepper 213 g Canned kidney beans; drained

-OR- haricot beans, drained 100 g Cut French beans

— cooked, drained & cooled 100 g Iceberg lettuce

3 Tomatoes

6 Pitta breads

Drain the can of salmon and flake the fish. Mix together with the fromage frais, mayonnaise, ginger, cumin, lemon rind, garlic, salt and pepper, kidney and French beans. Shred the lettuce and chop the tomatoes. Warm the pitta bread under a hot grill until the pockets puff up. Split with a knife and fill with the lettuce and tomatoes. Top with the salmon mixture and serve immediately. Serves 6. Approx. 290 kcals per serving From: On the Wild Side – Alaska Canned Salmon Recipes Reprinted with permission from Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Meal-Master compatible recipe format courtesy of Karen Mintzias

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