
1 c Salad Oil

3 Eggs

1 t Salt

1/4 t Baking Powder

1 t Baking Soda

2 oz Baking Chocolate, Melted

2 c Grated, peeled Zucchini

1 c Chopped Nuts

2 c Sugar

3 c Flour

1 t Cinnamon

1 t Vanilla

1/2 c Choc Chips

chocolate into egg mixture along with zucchini and vanilla. Sift flour with salt, cinnamon, baking powder and baking soda. With a large spoon, stir into zucchini mixture, along with nuts and chips. Mix thoroughly. Spoon into 2 well-greased 9″ x 5″ pans. Bake at 350F for 1 hr. MY NOTE: Excellent Quickbread. Very Moist and sweet. is recipe comes out of Country Cook’n, compiled by the St Rose Parishioners Fredonia, Wis and St Mary’s Parishioners of Little Kohler, Wis. This one the recipe of Mary Niedermeyer.

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