
3/4 c Sugar

1/3 c Butter

2 lg Eggs

2 c Flour

2 ts Baking powder

1/2 ts Salt

1/3 c Milk

2 c Blueberries *

1/2 c Sugar

1/3 c Flour

1/2 ts Cinnamon

1/4 c Butter

Cream first 2 ingredients together. Add eggs. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together, and add alternately with milk. Stir in berries. Spread into a well-buttered 9×12-inch pan. Blend the last 4 ingredients, and sprinkle on top. Bake at 375 degrees 25 to 30 minutes. Frozen berries (*) may be used. Be sure to rinse and pat dry before blending them into the batter…or the juice will turn the batter blue. (Most of a 12 oz. bag makes 2 cups.) Source: Lori Norman, Prodigy – Wis/Gramma MM by Sandy Brinks. —–

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