
2 c Pitted and quartered Italian

Prune-plums, cooked until Soft and cooled 1 c Unsalted butter, softened

1 3/4 c Granulated sugar

4 Eggs

3 c Sifted flour

1 ts Cinnamon

1/2 ts Ground cloves

1/2 ts Ground nutmeg

2 ts Baking soda

1/2 c Milk

1 c Walnuts, finely chopped

FROSTING: 1/4 c Unsalted butter

1/2 lb Powdered sugar

1 1/2 tb Unsweetened cocoa

Pinch salt 2 To 3 tablespoons strong, hot

Coffee 3/4 ts Vanilla

1. To prepare the cake: Prepare prune-plums and set aside. Butter and

flour a 10-inch Bundt pan. 2. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar together until light and

fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time, and continue to beat until mixture is very light. 3. Sift flour with spices and soda. Add flour mixture to butter mixture

in thirds, alternating with the milk. Beat only to incorporate the ingredients. 4. Stir in cooked prune-plums and walnuts. Turn into prepared pan and

bake in a preheated 350-degree oven 1 hour, or until cake begins to shrink from sides of pan. Let cool in the pan 5 minutes before unmolding onto a rack. Let cool completely before frosting. 5. To prepare the frosting: Cream butter. Add sugar and cocoa gradually,

stirring until well blended. Add salt. 6. Stir in coffee, a little at a time. Add just enough to make the

frosting a good spreading consistency. Beat until fluffy and add vanilla, then frost cake.

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