
2 lb Red Snapper

4 tb Cream

Salt and pepper 1 tb Butter

2 ts Chopped parsley

4 tb Bread crumbs

4 Eggs slightly beaten

1 Canned chili, sliced

2 Red peppers, chopped

Boil the fish in enough salted water to cover, with pepper to taste, and parsley about fifteen minutes or until tender. Remove, drain and separate fish from bones. Shred the fish and mix with eggs. Add the chopped peppers and the cream. Butter a casserole and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Put in the fish mixture, pressing it down well. Bake in a slow oven (325 degrees F.) fifteen or twenty minutes. Garnish with chili. Yield: Six servings. Source: “Good Food From Mexico” by Ruth Watt Mulvey and Luisa Maria Alvarez

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