
7 1/2 Eggs, separated

15 c Skim milk

3 3/4 ts Vanilla extract

22 1/2 ts Equal sweetener (3 pkg)

1 7/8 ts Brandy or rum flavoring

Ground nutmeg Combine the egg yolks and milk in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until the mixture coats a metal spoon. Cool. Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Add to the egg custard mixture with the vanilla, sweetener, and flavoring. Mix lightly. Cover and chill. Pour into serving cups and sprinkle with nutmeg. 1/2 cup serving – 70 calories, 1/2 med-fat meat Exchange + 1/2 Milk exch. 6

grams carbohydrate, 6 grams protein, 3 grams fat, 80 mg sodium, 207 mg potassium, 74 mg cholesterol. Source: Am. Diabetes Assoc. Holiday Cookbook by Betty Wedman, 1986 Shared but not tested by Elizabeth Rodier Nov 93

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