
1 x ———-stuffing———-

2 T Fat

1 lb Veal or pork, diced

3 T Water

1 ea Onion, sliced

1/4 lb Mushrooms, sliced

1 x Salt and pepper

1 T Dill leaves

1 x ———–dough————

2/3 c Butter

2 1/2 c Flour

2 t Baking powder

2 ea Egg yolks

1 ea Egg

3 T Sour cream

1 ea Egg white

Heat fat in the skillet and brown meat on both sides. Remove to a saucepan. Add 3 tablespoons water and onions. Cook on low heat for 2 hours. For the last 1/2 hour add mushrooms. Grind everything. Add seasoning, and mix well. To make dough: Cut the butter into the flour with a knife and rub in with fingertips. Add baking powder, egg yolks, egg and sour cream. Knead dough for few minutes. Roll out 2 rectangles 18 x 6 inches. For a line of stuffing 1 inch off one long side of each rectangle. Fold the dough over the stuffing, brush with egg white. Cut into 26 patties. Place on a buttered cookie sheet. Bake in a moderate 350 degrees F. oven for 35 minutes.

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