
2 tb Apple cider vinegar

1 ts Dijon mustard

2 tb Maple syrup

Ground black pepper to taste 10 oz Skinless salmon fillet

1 lg Firm mango

1. Turn on broiler, if using, and cover broiler pan with aluminum

foil. 2. Mix the vinegar, mustard, maple syrup and pepper to taste in a

large bowl. 3. Wash and dry the salmon, and place in the marinade, turning to

coat. 4. Prepare stove-top grill, if using. Grill salmon on both sides,

following the Canadian rule: measure salmon at thickest part and cook 8 to 10 minutes to the inch.

5. Peel and cube mango; heat the remaining marinade until it boils.

6. When salmon is cooked, top with heated marinade and mango and

serve. printed in the New York Times, December 6, 1995

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