
3 to 3 1/2lbs. broiler chicken — cut up

1/3 cup contry-style Dijon mustard

1 tablespoon mustard seed

3 tablespoons honey

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

Heat oven to 375 F. Place chicken , skin side down, in ungreased rectangular pan, 13x9x2″. Mix remaining ingredients; brush over chicken. Cover and bake 30 minutes. Turn chicken; brush with mustard mixture. Bake uncovered about 30 minutes longer or until juices is no longer pink when centers of thickest pieces are cut. (If chicken begins to brown too quickly, cover with aluminum foil.) Discard any remaining mustard mixture. Makes 6 servings. Per serving: 275 caloires, 115 CFF, 13 g fat, 85 mg cholesterol, 250 g sodium, 10 g carbohydrate, 29 g protein Diet Exchanges: 4 lean meat, 1/2 fruit Betty Crocker New Chicken Cookbook #141, p. 78 MC formatting by bobbi744@acd.net ICQ#2099532

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