
3 tb Lime juice

1 tb Vegetable oil

1 tb Honey

1 lb Sea Scallops

1 tb Soy sauce

1/4 ts Ginger

2 tb Toasted sesame seeds

Combine lime juice, oil, honey,soy sauce, and ginger. Add scallops and toss to caot. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Remove scallops from

marinade, reserving marinade. Thread scallops evenly on 4 skewers. Place skewers on shallow baking pan that has been sprayed with a non-stick coating. Broil 4-6 inches from source of heat 2-3 minutes. Turn and

baste with reserved marinade and continue cooking 2-3 minutes or until opaque throughout. Place sesame seeds on wax paper and roll each skewer over the seeds to evenly coat scallops. Serve immediately.

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