

300 grams smoked haddock

1 1/2 cups cream

1 chopped onion

150 grams grated Swiss cheese

1 tablespoon flour

4 eggs

2 tablespoons butter — (2 to 3)

3 tablespoons finely sliced green onions

1/2 cup sliced mushrooms

salt and pepper nutmeg

1. Bake pie crust with weight inside for 15 minutes in a 350 F pre-heated oven. 2. Remove weight and bake another 10 minutes. 3. Cook onion in butter until transparent. 4. Add mushrooms and cook until dry. 5. Add flaked haddock to mixture and turn off heat. 6. Place filling on pie crust. 7. Beat eggs with cream and season with spices. 8. Stir flour into cheese and place on top of filling. 9. Pour seasoned egg mixture with green onions on top. 10.Bake for 30 to 45 minutes in 300 F oven.

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