
2 Lbs. Sweet potatoes, peeled and cut

Into ?-Inch Medallions 3 1/2 Lbs. Fryer chicken –cut into cubes

1 Cup Soy sauce

1/4 Cup Dry sherry

3 Tbsp. Brown sugar

1 Tsp. Ground ginger

4 Garlic cloves, crushed

2 Green onion, finely diced

Steamed white rice –optional

Thoroughly combine soy sauce, sherry, brown sugar, and ginger. Pour over potatoes and chicken in baking dish. Cover and marinate 1 hour. Turn over chicken and potatoes and marinate additional hour.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Bake 25 minutes. Turn over potatoes and chicken; baste. Bake 30 minutes more. When no pink shows when chicken is poked with fork, remove dish from oven. Arrange potatoes around chicken on serving dish. If desired, serve over rice. Sprinkle green onion for garnish.

Nutritional Analysis Calories 22% ( 444 cal) Vitamin D 0% ( 0 IU ) Protein 106% ( 54 g ) Thiamine 18% (0.27 mg ) Carbohydrate 11% ( 38 g ) Riboflavin 30% (0.51 mg ) Total Fat 10% ( 7.3 g ) Niacin 104% ( 21 mg ) Saturated Fat 7% ( 1.8 g ) Vitamin B6 67% (1.33 mg ) Mono-Unsaturated 8% (2.04 g ) Folate 12% ( 46 mcg) Poly-Unsaturated 7% (1.74 g ) Sodium 100% (2984 mg ) Cholesterol 59% ( 118 mg ) Calcium 8% ( 77 mg ) Dietary Fiber 13% ( 3.7 g ) Magnesium 25% ( 100 mg ) Caffeine 0% ( 0 mg ) Potassium 59% (1107 mg ) Vitamin A 244% (2441 RE ) Iron 22% ( 4 mg ) Vitamin C 55% ( 33 mg ) Zinc 26% ( 3.9 mg )

Calories from: Protein: 50%; Carbohydrate: 35%; Fat: 15%.

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