
2 c Chicken; cooked, cut up

1/2 c Zucchini; chopped

1/2 c Radishes; chopped

1/4 c 2% yogart

1 tb Soy sauce

1/2 ts Bulk granulated artificial

-sweetener, like Sugar Twin 1/2 ts Ginger; ground

3 c Letturce; shredded

In a bowl, combine chicken, zucchini, and radishes. In a cup, combine yogart, soy sauce, sweetner and ginger. Pour over chicken mixture to coat evenly. Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving, then toss well gently. Divide into 4 portions. Makes 5 cups, 4 servings CAR: 2g; PRO: 15g; FAT: 7g; CAL: 131;

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