
5 skinless boneless chicken breasts — halved

dry white wine — for marinade 1 pound mushrooms — sliced

12 pitted green olives — chopped

1 clove garlic — chopped

3/4 stick butter

1/4 cup heavy cream

salt and freshly ground pepper chopped fresh parsley sauteed cherry tomatoes

Marinate chicken in enough white wine to cover, at least 2 hours. = In a large skillet saute mushrooms and garlic in butter until lightly = browned, add olives and heavy cream. Cook the mixture over moderately = high heat, stirring until cream is absorbed. Arrange chicken breasts = over in a buttered shallow baking dish large enough to hold them in one = layer. Spread the mushroom mixture over the breasts, drizzle on a little = of the wine. Cover the dish with a buttered of wax paper and foil. Bake = in preheated 350=B0 oven for 15-20 minutes until cooked through. = Transfer chicken to a heated platter and garnish with chopped parsley = and cherry tomatoes.

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