
2/3 C Barley

1 C Onions — chopped

1 C Cauliflower — chopped (1/4″ pcs)

1 C Mushrooms — chopped

1 C Carrots — finely shredded

2 1/2 C Water

2 Tsp Vegetable Broth — vegetarian

1/4 Tsp Garlic Powder

1/8 tsp Pepper

Preheat oven to 350 deg. F. Spray nonstick cooking spray on 1 3/4 qt casserole dish. In lg nonstick skillet, over med heat, cook barley for 2 – 3 min – until lightly browned – in sm amt of water or broth. Stir frequently. Place in prepared casserole dish. In same skillet, cook onions and cauliflower, stirring frequently, 5 min. Add mushrooms and carrots. Cook 5 more min, stirring frequently. Add veggies to casserole. In a sm bowl, combine water, broth mix, garlic powder, and pepper. Mix well and add to casserole. Mix well, cover, and bake 1 hr 15 min, until barley is tender and most of the liquid has been absorbed. Stir several times while baking. Let stand 5 min, then mix and serve.

Typed for you by Reggie Dwork reggie@netcom.com

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