
4 lb Pork (2 lb fat, 2 lb lean)

1 x [usually Boston butt]

1 lb Inner lining of pork stomach

1 x Or largest intestine (chitte

2 ea Cloves of garlic

3 ea Bay leaves

2 ea Large onions

1 tb Salt (not iodized)

1 tb Pepper

1 t Cayenne pepper

1 t Chili pepper

1/2 ts Ground mace

1/2 ts Ground cloves

1/2 ts Ground allspice

1 tb Minced thyme

1 tb Minced marjoram

1 tb Minced parsley

(you can use an extra pound of pork instead of the tripe.) – Chop, do not grind the meat. Mix with seasonings. Stuff into casings. Age at least overnight and then smoke several hours using hickory, hackberry or ash. (Do not use pine.) Throw anything sweet, such as cane sugar or syrup, raw sugar, molassess, sugar cane or brown sugar on the wood before lighting. From: Ellen Cleary

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