
1 3 to 4 lb swiss steak

2 14.5 oz cans stewed tomatoes

3 bay leaves

2 to 3 tsps minced garlic

cumin — to taste 1 4 oz. can mushroom stems and pieces

salsa — to taste

Brown swiss steak on both sides in a large dutch oven. Add 1 can stewed tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic and bay leaves. Add enough water to cover the top of the meat. Cover and simmer for 3 to 4 hours. When most of the liquid is gone, take meat out of the pan and let cool for a few minutes, (long enough to be able to touch without getting burned.) Shred the meat with a fork, and put back in pan. Add other can of tomatoes, and cumin. Can also add some salsa if wanted. Simmer until all juice is gone. Can be used for tacos, burritos, or whatever you want.

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