
1 c Biscuit mix (See recipe)

3 tb Water

1/4 lb Regular ground beef

1/2 ts Oregano leaves

1/8 ts Garlic powder

1/3 c Tomato puree

1 sm Onion; very thinly sliced

1/2 md Green pepper

– cut in very thin strips 1/4 c Process American cheese

-(shredded) 2 servings of 2 wedges each 480 calories per serving

1. Preheat oven to 425? F (hot).

2. Lightly grease a baking sheet or pizza pan.

3. Stir biscuit mix and water together until mix is barely

moistened. Knead 15 times on a lightly floured surface. 4. Pat or roll dough into an 8-inch circle on baking sheet

or pizza pan. Turn up edge of dough slightly to form a rim. 5. Bake until surface begins to dry–about 6 minutes.

6. Brown beef in hot frypan… Drain.

7. Stir oregano and garlic powder into puree. Spread over

hot crust. Sprinkle with browned beef, onion, and green pepper and top with cheese. 8. Bake until cheese is melted and crust is golden

brown–about 15 minutes. 9. Cut into 4 wedges.

* Thrifty Meals for Two: Making Food Dollars Count * USDA Home and Garden Bulletin Number 244 —–

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