
1 cup thinly sliced sweet or red onion

Ice water 1 tablespoon mustard seeds

1 tablespoon black peppercorns

1 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 pounds top round steak — 1 1/2 inches thick

1 pound tomatoes — sliced

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

1/4 cup shaved Parmesan cheese (1 oz.)*

Heat grill. Combine onion with ice water to cover in medium bowl; set aside. With motor on, add mustard seeds and peppercorns to blender through hole in lid; blend until coarsely ground. Add salt and blend. Rub all over steak. Grill steak 6 to 8 minutes per side for medium-rare. Let stand 10 minutes, then slice thin. Drain onion; pat dry on paper towels. Arrange on platter with steak and tomatoes. Drizzle with oil and scatter Parmesan on top. Mkes 4 servings. For something really special, take a few minutes to season the steak with crushed mustard seeds and peppercorns. Prep time: 5 minutes Grilling time: 15 minutes Degree of difficulty: Easy Low-calorie *Use swivel-blade vegetable peeler to shave curls from a solid piece of Parmesan. PER SERVING: Calories 325, Total Fat 16 g, Saturated Fat 5 g, Cholesterol 87 mg, Sodium 737 mg, Carbohydrates 11 g, Protein 34 g DAILY GOAL Calories 2,000 (F), 2,500 (M) Total Fat 60 g or less (F), 70 g or less (M) Saturated Fat 20 g or less (F), 23 g or less (M) Cholesterol 300 mg or less Sodium 2,400 mg or less Carbohydrates 250 g or more Protein 55 g to 90 g LHJ ONLINE http://www.lhj.com (C) Copyright 1998, Meredith Corporation, All Rights Reserved. MC formatting by bobbi744@acd.net ICQ#2099532

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