
———————————–DOUGH———————————– 3 c All purpose flour

1 c Water

——————————–MEAT FILLING——————————– 1 lb Extra lean ground beef

1 ea Onion; chopped

1/2 lb Daikon, spinach or cabbage,

-chopped fine 1 ea Garlic clove; minced

1 ts Fresh ginger; grated

2 ea Green onion; chopped (white

-and green both; no roots) 2 tb Fresh cilantro; chopped

Salt Mix flour and the water; knead and form into a ball. Let rise covered with a wet towel or plastic wrap for 30 min. Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Cut dough into 12 – 18 pieces and roll into small flat circles. Mash together all filling ingredients. Place a spoonful of filling on each dough circle, folding over and crimping to seal. Place momos in a steamer and steam on high for 30 min. Serve with a mild tomato salsa, “Tsal”, made from chopped tomatoes, cilantro, green onions and garlic, and/or Sriracha sauce and/or soy sauce. Recipe from Jigme Topgyal, a Tibetan. In his native Tibet, these would be made with a flour ground from roasted barley called “Tsampa”. The [alternate] filling usually is made with ground chicken mashed with onions, daikon, fresh ginger, garlic and cilantro. [A] Vegetarian filling contains chopped cabbage, bok choy, tofu, green onion, ginger and garlic.

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