
1/3 Cup Soft Bread Crumbs — (1/2 slice)

2 Tablespoons Milk

1/8 Teaspoon Salt

Dash Garlic Salt Dash Dried Basil — crushed 1/4 Pound Ground Beef

1 Small Potato — peeled and sliced

1 Medium Carrot — sliced

1 Tablespoon Butter Or Margarine

1 Tablespoon Flour

1/8 Teaspoon Salt

Dash Pepper 1/2 Cup Milk


Combine first 5 ingredients. Add meat. Mix well. Shape into 4 meatballs; set as ide. Combine potato and carrot in a 2 1/2 cup casserole; sprinkle with salt and pepper.

In saucepan melt butter. Stir in flour, the 1/8 tsp. salt and the dash pepper. Add 1/2 cup milk, cook and stir til thickened and bubbly. Pour over vegies; top with meatballs. Bake, covered, at 350 for 30 minutes. Uncover, bake 10 minutes longer. Sprinkle with paprika.

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