
1 cup dairy sour cream

2 green onions — sliced

4 1/2 ounce jar sliced mushrooms — drained

2 pounds ground beef

1 1/2 cups soft bread crumbs

2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

2 eggs

1/3 cup milk

eat oven to 350 F. in small bowl, combine sour cream, onion and mushrooms. In a large bowl, combine remaining ingredients; mix well. Shape meat mixture into long 4 inch wide rectangle in ungreased shallow baking dish. Indent to make a 2 inch deep well, lengthwise, diwon center of loaf. Carefully spoon sour cream mixture into well. Bake at 350 F. for 1/1 1/4 hours. Let stand 10 minutes before slicing. Makes 8-9 servings. Per 1/9 of recipe: 300 calories, 21 g protein, 5 g carbohydrate, 21 g fat, 570 mg sodium, 365 mg potassium Pillsbury Quick & Easy Recipe, Classic Coobook, #10, p. 50 MC formatitng by bobbi744@acd.net ICQ#2099532

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