
—————————-COWBOY CHEESEBURGERS—————————- 1 lb Extra-lean ground beef;

1 sm Onion;

1 tb Fresh jalapeno chile; minced

—————————–SEASONINGS MIXTURE—————————– 1/4 ts Ground coriander;

1/4 ts Ground cumin;

1/4 ts Salt

1/4 ts Pepper; fresh ground

———————————–CHEESE———————————– 1 Nonfat mozzarella cheese;

———————————-SERVING———————————- 4 Tortilla;

4 Tomato slices;

Cliantro sprigs; 1 tb Commerical taco sauce;

Mix the burgers ingredients together; form into burgers of equal size about 1/4 inch thick without compacting the meat. Sprinkle the seasoning mixture of spices on both sides of patty. Grill or broil, 4″ from souce of heat, for 3 minutes on each sides for medium-rare

patties. Place the mozzarella cheese on center of each patty. Cook for another minute and until cheese melts. Serve each patty on a warmed 8″ flour tortilla, topped with a tomato slice, cilantro sprigs, and taco sauce Joslin Food Exchanges per serving: 2 1/2 MEDIUM/FAT EXCHANGES + 1 1/2 BREAD/STARCH EXCHANGE CAL: 289; PRO: 21g; CAR: 23g; FAT: 13g; (CALORIES FROM FAT 40%) FIB: 2g; CHO: 54mg; SOD: 305mg; POT: 367mg

Source: Joslin Diabetes Gourmet Cookbook Brought to you and yours via Nancy O’Brion and her Meal-Master

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