
1 lb Round steak

2 tb Soya sauce

1 tb Wine

Salt 1 Onion, sliced thinly

1 Garlic clove, minced

3 tb Oil

4 Tomatoes, cut in wedges

-(If hot house tomatoes are -used, add 2 tablespoons -water along with tomatoes -at cooking time) 1 Green pepper, coarse. sliced

2 tb Sugar

1 1/2 tb Corn starch, dissolved in

1/2 c Water

1. Carefully slice beef into thin bite size pieces about 1×1″. Be

sure you slice beef across the grain, otherwise the beef will become tough after cooking. Marinate meat in soya sauce, wine, salt for a few minutes. In the meantime slice tomatoes, green peppers, onion; mince garlic. Make up corn starch solution. Have sugar on hand. 2. Heat oil up in wok until smoking. Stir fry beef quickly in it for

no longer than 3 minutes. Remove beef to a platter. Reserve. (If beef is allowed to remain cooking in wok with other ingredients, it will become hard and tough.) 3. Add green peppers and tomatoes to wok. Add sugar, cook tomatoes

down until juice forms in bottom of wok (about 3-5 minutes cooking time). 4. Add beef back into wok. Stir all ingredients up so that it is

mixed. Add corn starch solution, cook 1 minute. Shut burner off, serve dish immediately.

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