
1 c Macaroni, raw

1/2 lb Ground beef

1/2 ts Garlic powder

1 ts Chili powder

1 pn Salt

1 pn Pepper, freshly ground

1 cn Tomato soup

1 oz Mozzarella cheese 15% mf

Cook macaroni about 7 minutes. Brown meat in largest saucepan and drain off all fat. Add garlic, chili powder, salt and pepper. Mix well and cook on low about 5 minutes. Add cooked macaroni and tomato soup. Heat thoroughly. Just before serving add grated cheese. Cover and heat until cheese melts. Estimated 3 protein, 1 1/2 starch, 1 fruit & veg. Source: Eat Light and Love It! Leftovers are good reheated the next day and can be frozen. Favorite quick recipe of Elizabeth Rodier and family.

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