
2 c Smashed apricot pits

1/2 t Ground cinnamon

1/2 t Ground coriander

2 c Vodka 100 proof

1 c Sugar syrup (see recipe)

Partly fill a cloth bag with the apricot pits (available at most health food stores). Smash with a hammer, keeping shells and meaty centers. Place smashed pits in a 1-quart container. Add cinnamon, corriander, and vodka. Store for 2 months in a cool dark place. Then filter through a cheesecloth lined strainer and discard fruit pits. Strain a few times until clear. Add sugar syrup and age for an additional 2 weeks. Recipe may require some finetuning and apricot extract can be added to offer additional flavoring. Yield: 3 cups Containe: Wide mouth liter jar

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