
1 lb Smoked Sausage, Cut Into

-Bite-sized Pieces 1 15-oz Can Kidney Beans,

-Drained 1 ts Chili Powder

1/2 ts Cumin

1 Head Lettuce, Torn Into

-Pieces 1 Red Onion, Sliced Into Rings

-Or Strips 1 Green Pepper, Cut Into Rings

-Or Strips 4 Tomatoes, Cut Into Chunks

1/2 lb Cheddar Cheese, Grated

2 Avacados, Sliced

4 Stalks Celery, Sliced

1 8-oz Bottle French Or Ranch

-Dressing 1/2 ts Hot Pepper Sauce

1 8-oz Package Taco Chips,

-Crushed Coarsely Brown smoked Sausage in skillet. Add beans, chili powder, and cumin, and cook 10 to 15 minutes or until thoroughly heated, stirring often. Toss together lettuce, green pepper, tomatoes, cheese, avacado, and celery with the dressing and hop pepper sauce. Add taco chips. Mix in hot sausage/bean mixture and serve immediately. SERVINGS: 4 to 6 ///oo/ From the hearth in Sandee’s Kitchen…

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