
1 c Pre-cooked green lentils

1 c Pre-cooked orange lentils

1/2 c Celery, finely chopped

1 c Steamed green beans, finely

Cut 1/4 c Freshly chopped parsley

———————————-DRESSING———————————- 1 T Mild, prepared mustard

x Salt and pepper to taste 1 ds Lemon juice

1/2 c Reduced fat Italian

Dressing 1 Ripe tomato, cut into

Wedges 1/4 c Finely chopped chives

1 sm Head of lettuce, shredded

In a salad bowl, mix cooked lentils, celery, green beans, and parsley. Combine dressing ingredients in a small bowl. Toss lentil mixture with dressing and serve on shredded lettuce. Garnish with tomato wedges and chives. Serve with crusty whole wheat bread. Total Calories Per Serving: 149 Fat: 3 grams This article was originally published in the July/August 1994 issue of the _Vegetarian_Journal_, published by The Vegetarian Resource Group. From: bobbi@clark.net (Bobbi Pasternak). rfvc Digest V94 Issue #204, Sept. 22, 1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using


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