
7 1/2 c Glutinous rice powder

5 1/2 c Chili powder

5 1/2 c Salt

4 c Yeodkireum powder

– (dried barley sprout malt) 2 c Meju powder (soy bean malt)*

8 1/3 c Water

* NOTE: Available in Korean markets. Consists of soy beans which are made into dumplings, fermented, dried, and then powdered. In a bowl, combine YEODKIREUM powder and water. Mix well, then strain off liquid into a large pot. Add glutenous rice powder to liquid and mix well. Cook over low heat (113F, 45C). Remove from heat and allow to stand until rice powder is dissolved. Heat to boiling, then reduce heat and let cook for 30 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl to cool. When completely cool, stir in MEJU and chili powder and blend well. Leave overnight. The next day, mix in 4 cups of the salt and transfer mixture to a large container. Sprinkle remaining salt over, then cover with loosely woven cloth such as cheesecloth or gauze. Leave in a sunny place to ferment, stirring occasionally, for one month. ADDITIONAL NOTES: Use a large container, as mixture rises as it ferments. During fermentation, cover container at night.

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