
2 whole chicken breasts

2 cloves garlic — minced

juice of one lemon parsley flakes to taste pepper to taste 2 cups rigatoni

1 cup sour cream

3/4 cup mayonnaise

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can fried onions — I use durkee

1 can green beans

1 can whole mushrooms — quartered

1 cup monterey jack cheese — grated

2 tsp. thyme

pepper to taste

1. Marinate chicken breasts in lemon juice, garlic, parsley and pepper for abo ut 20 minutes; cut into cubes and saute quickly; set aside. 2. Meanwhile boil the rigatoni until tender; drain. 3. In a large casserole dish combine soup, sour cream, mayonnasie, thyme and p epper; stir until smooth. 4. Add cooked chicken, mushrooms, green beans, and about 1/4 of the fried onio ns; mix well. 5. Add cooked pasta, stir well. 5. Sprinkle top with cheese and remaining onions and bake uncovered at 350 deg rees about 30 minutes or until bubbling.

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