
2 cups dried pinto beans

1 large onion — chopped

2 cloves garlic — minced

1 teaspoon ground comino

1 chile ancho (canned) — mashed to a paste

3 tablespoons bacon drippings

salt and pepper — to t

Pick over beans carefully; cover with cold water and let stand overnight. Before cooking, add more water, covering beans again. Combine in heavy pot with onion, garlic, comino, chile and drippings. Simmer until tender, adding a little more water when needed. When the beans are done, however, virtually all the liquid should have cooked away. If some of the beans are mashed during cooking, so much the better. Add salt and pepper to taste when done. The longer the cooking, the better your beans so cook over the slowest fire possible.

Serves 4 to 8 depending on the portion size.

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