
1 lb Navy Beans — Dried

8 c Water

3 c Beef Broth

1 ea Carrot — Chopped

1 ea Celery Stalk — Chopped

4 ea Bacon — Strips, Cubed

2 ea Onions — Small, Chopped

1 t Salt

1/4 ts Pepper — White

6 ea Frankfurters, Sliced *

2 tb Parsley — Chopped

* Note: Use the real Frankfurters in this recipe and not the hot dogs! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ Soak beans overnight. In a 3-quart saucepan bring beans, water and beef froth to a boil. Cook for about 1 hour. Add carrot and celery and continue cooking for 30 minutes. In a separate frypan cook the bacon until transparent. Add the onions; cook until golden. Set aside. Mash soup through a sieve or food mill. Return to pan and add the bacon onion mixture, salt and pepper. Add frankfurters; reheat about 5 minutes. Sprinkle soup with chopped parsley and serve.

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