
250 Grammes (about 1 cup)

Cous-cous 2 Beef tomatoes

sm Bunch spring onions (scallions) 1 Tin red kidney or other

Beans 1 sm Tin sweetcorn

1/2 Red sweet (bell) pepper,

Chopped Lemon juice 1/2 tb Olive oil (optional)

Seasoning Soak the cous-cous in about double its volume of boiling water, until all the water is absorbed. Peel and chop the tomatoes and onions, and drain the sweetcorn and beans (you will probably want to rinse the latter). Mix everything together, season and dress with lemon juice, and possibly 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil for the flavour – it makes so much salad that it really doesn’t up the % CFF too much.

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