
3 tb Olive oil

2 Onions, diced

2 Carrots, chopped

2 Leeks, whites only chopped

2 Stalks celery, chopped

2 Potatoes, diced

1 c Dry beans

– soaked and cooked – but still hard 1 Large eggplant

– skinned and diced 2 c Hot chicken broth

4 c Boiling water

Salt and pepper 2 Tomatoes, diced

1 1/2 c Cabbage, diced

1 1/2 c Spinach, diced

1 1/2 c Zucchini, diced

3/4 c Pasta, raw

3 tb Pesto, heaping

—–PESTO—– 1 1/2 c Fresh basil leaves

1 Garlic clove

Parmesan or romano cheese 3 tb Pine nuts or walnuts

1/2 c Olive oil

In olive oil saute till soft onions, leeks, carrots, celery, and potatoes. Add dry beans, eggplant and cook down. Add chicken broth, water, salt, pepper, tomatoes and cook for about 1 hour covered. Add cabbage, spinach, zucchini. Add pasta. If too thick add more chicken broth. When done add pesto sauce. Courtesy of Ciao Italia cookbook. Submitted By WA6AWD@WOLFENET.COM (ALAN BURGSTAHLER) On 19 DEC 1995 182142 -0700

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